Our successful family business is entering a new, exciting development phase where we are independent of the Prontaprint franchise. We believe that this change will be good for our business and all our customers in greater Lincoln and Lincolnshire, as well as the East Midlands, Humberside, South Yorkshire and beyond.
Specialising in Litho and Digital print gives you the best of both worlds and enables us to develop and print an enormous range of printed materials for virtually any purpose.
Come to Chameleon Print for all your business stationery, marketing brochures, catalogues and flyers; as well as exhibition or promotional materials and merchandise, plus direct mail printing and distribution. Read more… or download our brochure.

“We have worked with Mark and the team for a few years now for the design and production of our promotional material and stationery. We have always been extremely impressed with the quality of design, the speed of production and delivery and their level of service continues to be of a very high standard.”
Jodi Daubney Magna Accident Services - Managing Director

“Their skin changes colour due to stress and increase in body temperature – the angrier they are, or the sexier they feel, the brighter they are!”
Fact 1 of 6

“Chameleons can communicate with each other by body manipulations, nodding, tail signs and rocking.”
Fact 2 of 6

“Chameleons can rotate each eye in a separate direction simultaneously giving great all round vision.”
Fact 3 of 6

“Chameleons can’t smell or hear very well – they hunt using sight only.”
Fact 4 of 6

“The chameleon’s tongue has a sticky end and is about 1½ times its body length.”
Fact 5 of 6

“A Chameleon’s tongue is about 1½ times their body length. This is equivalent to a 6-foot person, having a 9-foot long tongue!”
Fact 6 of 6